Friday, February 15, 2008

In Love With Etsy

This is not breaking news because I've been in love with this site for quite awhile but, it occurred to me that there may be others out there who have yet to discover it. And in the spirit of yesterday's holiday (Valentine's Day), I thought I'd share so that others might fall in love also: Hooray for creative artists who express themselves with all these beautiful creations! Don't go to Target anymore, go to Etsy!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Another feature! They like us! They really, really like us!

We are super excited here...we've gotten yet another feature in an awesome e-publication called Tangled and True. T+T is a site dedicated to women and mothers with a focus on all things modern, simple, pretty and organic. They support mother/women-run products and services that prove non-mainstream...'nuff said! They have my vote for pretty-awesome-site! Visit them and read about how much they loved our line of tees here: *Just a note that one of the comments to their article was how cute my daughter is in her pic!! See, she really IS cute, I knew it (you know that feeling you get that maybe you, as the mother, are totally biased and in reality, you're the only one who thinks your kid is the cutest one on the I can quit doubting myself!!) :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

AC Featured in Peekaboo Picks for Super Tuesday!

It's Super Tuesday and while we're out there picking our next presidential candidates, Peekaboo Picks thought it appropriate to celebrate our future hopefuls! Check out our feature in Peekaboo Picks Magazine: